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With a report from the Lagoon of Murta Maria, in the municipality of Olbia, which tells of the narrative interweaving between man, birds and nature of the wetlands, from a double point of view, that of a father and that of a child, he wins the MEDSEA award #ADayInTheWetlands Gianluca Flore (@gianlucaflore)! 

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Prevent widlfires by using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to detect forest fires early. This is the purpose of the collaboration between MEDSEA and Vodafone International, within the Legacy program of Extreme E, underway in the forest of San Leonardo, in the Oristano area. In particular, the activity with Vodafone would complete the ongoing reforestation project of Hope for Sennariolo. 

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Little tern, common tern, sandwich tern, rosy gull and black-winged stilt are some of the bird species that have found a home in Corru Mannu in recent weeks. Thanks to the circular economy project applied to mussel farming - which sees MEDSEA and Nieddittas cooperating in the name of environmental protection at the forefront - the artificial islet made with mussel shells in the wetland in the Gulf of Oristano is populated!  

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Santa Teresa Blue Camp, the training program for operators at sea and on land of the Capo Testa Punta Falcone Marine Protected Area, has been successfully accomplished by 30 Tourist operators. The course, financed by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, which the MEDSEA foundation coordinated these months, in collaboration with the municipality of Santa Teresa Gallura, started on January 30 and ended on March, 15th 2023. 

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On November 20th, the negotiating table of the Conference of the parties held in Sharm El Sheikh ended. Two months later we have enough distance to avoid the distorting perspective of controversies. In the face of an acclaimed need to avert catastrophes due to human pressure on ecosystem balances on a global level, the outcomes of the COPs have often been denounced as inadequate.

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Wetlands are increasingly important aquatic ecosystems, knowing them better is the first step to protect them, but that's not all. "We need a management tool" to prevent them from being lost or compromised by carelessness, fragmented and discontinuous management, clumsy interventions, as has happened globally in the last 100 years "with over 64% of these basins having been lost". 

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#SwimmingForFuture is the new MEDSEA column dedicated to the sea and the environment, every week on the foundation's social channels (instagram and facebook). Who better than Corrado Sorrentino, former swimming champion and MEDSEA ambassador to explain the challenging present we are living in