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#SwimmingForFuture with Corrado Sorrentino

#SwimmingForFuture is the new MEDSEA column dedicated to the sea and the environment, every week on the foundation's social channels (instagram and facebook). Who better than Corrado Sorrentino, former swimming champion and MEDSEA ambassador to explain the challenging present we are living in? Alongside the new challenges of climate change, telling us episode by episode how to deal with them?

“I know that some of you are happy to spend the holidays in T-shirts and sunbathe by the sea during these Christmas holidays... - says Sorrentino - but it's not good at all. We are facing the biggest climate crisis ever with temperatures rising more than 1° above seasonal average and a drastic decrease in rainfall…”.

From marine warming, to biodiversity loss, through wetlands and soil loss. In 8 episodes, CliffNotes on the state of health of the sea with practical advice on how to help protect its biodiversity. A must-see for those who - in fact - want to continue to "swim towards and for the future". 

Watch the second episode of #SwimmingForFuture, we talk about biodiversity:

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