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The BLUE4ALL project, a groundbreaking initiative focused on the co-creation of effective, efficient, and resilient networks of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), is set to revolutionize marine biodiversity conservation and restoration efforts. The project aims to align top-down regulatory demands with bottom-up societal expectations, bridging the gap between policy objectives and stakeholder engagement. 

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Giancarlo Gusmaroli, an engineer specializing in aquatic ecosystems, an avid sports enthusiast, and ambassador for MEDSEA, relaunches his mission "Climb/Hug the Med" (on Facebook with the hashtags: #climbthemed and #hugthemed). A journey that spans 3 continents, 19 countries, and 22 peaks, totaling approximately 50,000 meters in altitude, all to embrace the most imposing summits overlooking the vast Mediterranean basin. 

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With 336 votes in favour, 300 against, and 13 abstentions, the European Parliament approved on July 12th the Nature Restoration Law, a historic legislation aiming to restore 20% of natural ecosystems by 2030. The long-term objective of the Nature Restoration Law is to restore degraded natural systems by 2050, with an immediate target of restoring at least 20% of ecosystems by 2030. This ambitious commitment requires concrete efforts from member countries. 

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 With "Hope for Sennariolo", environmental regeneration following the devastating fire of Montiferru, Planargia and Alta Marmilla in July 2021, is taking shape. The MEDSEA Foundation and the Municipality of Sennariolo announce the start of reforestation work this coming autumn with a meeting with the population held on Monday, July 31 in the Council Chamber of Sennariolo. 

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Extreme E, the international competition of electric SUVs, has renewed its collaboration with MEDSEA to support the A Forest For Bees campaign. This initiative aims to create a widespread nectariferous forest in Sardinia to aid pollinators. This project complements the support for Hope for Sennariolo, a regeneration and reforestation campaign in response to the devastating Montiferru fire. 

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Over 200 participants, one ton of waste collected, and special attention given to 'ghost nets' in collaboration with the Coast Guard of Cagliari. The MEDSEA Foundation concludes the fifth edition of “Puliamo la Sella!" event, dedicated to cleaning the beach, sea, and seabed around La Sella del Diavolo.