Corrado Sorrentino
“There are times when I'm not here anymore. The body goes, but I'm not leading it. I swim with my eyes closed, I am in another dimension, where pain does not exist. Sometimes it is as if my body belonged to somebody else, as if someone came to visit me”.
In Corrado Sorrentino's marathons by sea, fatigue disappears into trance, and this in turn is the key to the mystical space, the return to the world through the oblivion of the world, the consecration of fullness in absence of the self. Being all forms of water.
Forty-eight years old, from Cagliari, a life spent in the swimming pool and an endless list of sporting victories: three national titles, a medal at the European juniors competitions, four world masters titles, a brilliant career in water polo and training: "Being a coach offers you the opportunity to see many children, many young people every day. Adults tend to think today's kids as little aliens lost inside their mobiles. It is not true. If you have enough patience they end up following you, they decide to start a path of individual transformation. Many students, over time, return to thank me for my severity. You have to bet, you got to try".

In a few days, Sorrentino will embark on a feat never dared by anyone: to swim all around Sardinia in a 700 kilometers adventure. Fifty-eight stages, almost all of which are twelve kilometers long. Along the way, small fundraising events will be organized in favor of the voluntary organization "Amelia Sorrentino". The goal is to equip the pediatric oncohematology department of the Microcitemic Hospital in Cagliari with a multi-parameter monitoring system.
"The association was born three and a half years ago, when I lost my daughter Amelia due to an intestinal volvulus, a difficult to detect, fulminating disease. When she was still alive, my partner and I vowed to do everything in our power to improve the condition of children with serious illnesses. We learned a lot from them, from the perennial smiles in hospital beds. Amelia gave us a great opportunity. We try to honor it. When you lose everything, only the really important things survive”.
To support the fundraising Corrado did what he does best: swimming. In September 2019 and July 2020 he did it for 21 km, joining Torre delle stelle and Cagliari. Last summer he circumnavigated the island of S. Pietro, 32 km in a single section. Many are the precious donations made to Sardinian hospitals through Amelia’s association.
Now the greatest challenge awaits him. He will depart from Marina Piccola, where Amelia learned to swim. Here he will return, after almost 50 days: "Before entering the water for training, I always repeat to myself to be respectful. The arrogance with which human beings treat the sea is incredible. We haunt it with boats, plastic, noises. During the tour of Sardinia I will pass the dinghy that follows me the waste encountered on the surface or on the bottom. I am extremely proud to do so as an ambassador of the MEDSEA Foundation. In the last weeks, when I swim, I come across many jellyfish. They are large and purple. And I find myself greeting them, talking to them. We must protect all that is beautiful, all that lives".


Corrado Sorrentino
“There are times when I'm not here anymore. The body goes, but I'm not leading it. I swim with my eyes closed, I am in another dimension, where pain does not exist. Sometimes it is as if my body belonged to somebody else, as if someone came to visit me”.
In Corrado Sorrentino's marathons by sea, fatigue disappears into trance, and this in turn is the key to the mystical space, the return to the world through the oblivion of the world, the consecration of fullness in absence of the self. Being all forms of water.
Forty-eight years old, from Cagliari, a life spent in the swimming pool and an endless list of sporting victories: three national titles, a medal at the European juniors competitions, four world masters titles, a brilliant career in water polo and training: "Being a coach offers you the opportunity to see many children, many young people every day. Adults tend to think today's kids as little aliens lost inside their mobiles. It is not true. If you have enough patience they end up following you, they decide to start a path of individual transformation. Many students, over time, return to thank me for my severity. You have to bet, you got to try".

In a few days, Sorrentino will embark on a feat never dared by anyone: to swim all around Sardinia in a 700 kilometers adventure. Fifty-eight stages, almost all of which are twelve kilometers long. Along the way, small fundraising events will be organized in favor of the voluntary organization "Amelia Sorrentino". The goal is to equip the pediatric oncohematology department of the Microcitemic Hospital in Cagliari with a multi-parameter monitoring system.
"The association was born three and a half years ago, when I lost my daughter Amelia due to an intestinal volvulus, a difficult to detect, fulminating disease. When she was still alive, my partner and I vowed to do everything in our power to improve the condition of children with serious illnesses. We learned a lot from them, from the perennial smiles in hospital beds. Amelia gave us a great opportunity. We try to honor it. When you lose everything, only the really important things survive”.
To support the fundraising Corrado did what he does best: swimming. In September 2019 and July 2020 he did it for 21 km, joining Torre delle stelle and Cagliari. Last summer he circumnavigated the island of S. Pietro, 32 km in a single section. Many are the precious donations made to Sardinian hospitals through Amelia’s association.
Now the greatest challenge awaits him. He will depart from Marina Piccola, where Amelia learned to swim. Here he will return, after almost 50 days: "Before entering the water for training, I always repeat to myself to be respectful. The arrogance with which human beings treat the sea is incredible. We haunt it with boats, plastic, noises. During the tour of Sardinia I will pass the dinghy that follows me the waste encountered on the surface or on the bottom. I am extremely proud to do so as an ambassador of the MEDSEA Foundation. In the last weeks, when I swim, I come across many jellyfish. They are large and purple. And I find myself greeting them, talking to them. We must protect all that is beautiful, all that lives".

Legal head office: c/o Studio Associato Conti-Via Piemonte, 33-09127 Cagliari (Italy) - Headquarter: Via Nazario Sauro 1, 09123 Cagliari (Italy)
(+39) 070 0950439 | info@medseafoundation.org | medsea@pec.medseafoundation.org
Photos ©: Andrea Alvito, Maurizio Naletto
MEDSEA Logo designed by Stefano Asili