
Blue Waves

ADAPT.Action - Adapting to Climate Change | 30 September 2022, Cagliari

Blue Waves is the first Event on the Circular Economy for the Sea in Sardinia, organized by the MEDSEA foundation, in streaming and in presence, in Cagliari. A call to action from businesses to businesses that want to make a difference, from Sardinia to the whole Mediterranean.

This second edition "ADAPT.Action"addressed the topic of Adaptation to Climate Change, from companies to territories. 

The eventtook place on Friday 30 September 2022 live in the Helmar Schenk conference room of the Sali Scelti of Parco - Saline Molentargius in Cagliari. The event is addressed to companies, professionals in the sector (sustainability managers), academics and researchers in the environment, economy, agriculture and tourism field. 


REWIND: WATCH THE VIDEO(Italian language) 


0. INCIPIT: WHY, WHERE AND HOW (3.30 pm)  
  • Climate risk in the Mediterranean - Alessio Satta | MEDSEA
  • Marine overheating, why does it happen, what are the effects? | Matteo Tidili, meteorologist 
  • Urban Sustainability and Adaptation | Margaretha Breil | CMCC - Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
  • The adaptation strategy of the Region of Sardinia | Giovanni Satta, Regional Department of the Environment in Sardinia 

Moderator: Alessio Satta, MEDSEA Foundation

1 # ADAPT.Heating | Businesses adapt 

New scenarios, new opportunities: Vania Statzu, MEDSEA Foundation

To tackle the water crisis | Carlo Ferrari, iFerrari company 

The new challenges of agriculture | Elisabetta Falchi, Falchi farm 

Technology to support adaptation | Andrea Liverani, Smart GeoSurvey srl 

Construction and adaptation |Daniela Ducato, Edizero – architecture for Peace 

Mussel farming, delicate balances
| Giorgio Massaro, MEDSEA for Nieddittas


Moderation: Vania Statzu, MEDISEA 





5 conditions of adaptation, the experience of the Giro di Sardegna | Corrado Sorrentino, swimming champion and MEDSEA ambassador 

Moderation: Luca Foschi, MEDSEA 

2 # ACTION. Strengthen the natural defenses 

Regenerating marine forests | Francesca Frau, MEDSEA 

Moderation: Giulia Eremita, MEDSEA


Why are companies and will be increasingly at the forefront of environmental protection? 

The right approach. 

Andrea Barbabella | Sustainable Development Foundation

Philippe Guy | Fondation de la Mer  

Moderator: Alessio Satta

Blue Waves adheres to the program of events of the Sustainable Development festival.



"Blue Waves is a call to beauty for a better Sardinia, for all Sardinian companies or companies operating in Sardinia that want to make a difference in the circular economy for and from the Sea"

MEDSEA Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation

Legal head office: c/o Studio Associato Conti-Via Piemonte, 33-09127 Cagliari (Italy) - Headquarter: Via Nazario Sauro 1, 09123 Cagliari (Italy) 

(+39) 070 0950439 | |

Photos ©: Andrea Alvito, Maurizio Naletto

MEDSEA Logo designed by Stefano Asili