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Read the MEDSEA 1st report 2017 - 2022: all projects and campaigns, all in once

MEDSEA's first seven-year report is ready! Twelve projects divided by mission: coastal management, biodiversity conservation, climate action and circular economy. Five campaigns launched over the last 5 years in Sardinia, including reforestation at sea and on land, restoration of the dunes of Porto Pino and the internal shores of the salt pans of Carloforte and Plastic Free Med, including the traditional appointment of Puliamo la Sella! in Cagliari, in its fourth edition. Most of our activities are in Sardinia, this is where our large lab for the Mediterranean begins! Some of our activities are already a model for many. 

And again, the people behind our projects and the team, the true value of a multidisciplinary team like ours. Our future, all to be built. 

Read our report

At MEDSEA We want to speed up the change process already underway, and make sure that the ecological transition is quick enough to halt the loss of biodiversity. The actions we will continue to carry out together over the next decade will affect the future of our planet for centuries to come: we feel we have a great responsibility towards the planet, towards ourselves and towards future generations. 
But we can't do all of this alone. We need the help of other foundations, patrons, sponsors and private donors. Every euro is invested in conservation 100% of each donation directly supports conservation initiatives focused on protecting marine and coastal ecosystems. By strengthening their resilience, we can respond promptly to negative impacts and provide solutions to climate and biodiversity crises. Each contribution makes a difference.  

Get in touch with us today: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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