Three months without plastic in the bars of Poetto beach in Cagliari: the initiative of MEDSEA and Parley in the report of the national agency Comunica
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Three months without plastic in the bars of Poetto beach in Cagliari: the initiative of MEDSEA and Parley in the report of the national agency Comunica
#barforthesea: here is the report of Mediterranea!
#barforthesea The bars of Poetto beach in Cagliari are ecology champions with the MEDSEA-Parley initiative. Tiscali Ambiente talks about it
#barforthesea at Radio Sintony, which relaunches the #plasticfree initiative, promoted by MEDSEA and Parley, to which eight bars on the Poetto beach in Cagliari have adhered
Vistanet also talks about #barforthesea: a good practice #plasticfree made possible by the commitment of bar owners on the beach of Poetto in Cagliari
La Nuova Sardegna proposes our initiative in the heart of Maristanis: MEDSEA with managers, teachers and students of the Othoca in the day of awareness that celebrates the trees!
Unione Sarda on the collaboration between MEDSEA and Othoca Institute in the framework of Maristanis. For the National Day of Trees we have planted new essences!
A day to celebrate the trees can only take place with the planting of new plants. MEDSEA and Othoca school in the framework of the Maristanis project have done so. The report of Casteddu on Line
The radio and the website of the University of Cagliari on the initiative of MEDSEA and Othoca school on the occasion of the National Day of Trees!
Linkoristano, heart of the events in Oristano, dedicates space to the awareness day promoted by MEDSEA and Othoca, as part of Maristanis, for the Day of Trees.
The national agency Communicates on the OffyourMap press tour: the example of Maristanis in the face of an international project to protect and safeguard wetlands
Unione Sarda, the first regional newspaper, on the initiative to turn the international spotlight on the wetlands of Oristano
Linkoristano announces the visit of the international press to the territories of Maristanis
The importance of the wetlands, according to the Lebanese press, which reports the words of Alessio Satta, executive secretary of MedWet and president of MEDSEA, during the OffyourMap press tour in Oristano
Unione Sarda newspaper, "The climate of the Gulf (Oristano) is news"
Sardiniapost: international press tour OffyourMap in Oristano. The online magazine relaunches one of the most sensitive issues related to climate change: according to projections by Enea (National Research Institute), in 2100 the central-western coast of the island will be partially submerged
Here's Euronews' report on Maristanis. We talked about the project, the actors on the territory of the territory did it. Our wetlands are a virtuous example.
Maristanis and MEDSEA on German TV. According to the European Commission, between 1950 and 1985 the largest losses of wetlands were recorded, in order, in France, Italy, Greece, Germany and the Netherlands. Of the approximately 3 million original hectares, at the beginning of the twentieth century, less than half remained in Europe, 1,300,000 hectares. Germany, therefore, is also sensitive to the issues developed in recent days during the press tour OffyourMap in Sardinia.
The Sicilian press relaunches with the report on the actions implemented in the framework of Maristanis for the protection of the environment and to ensure a defense against climate change
The report of the Portuguese newspaper, Lusa Agency, on the fundamental role of wetlands in the fight against climate change: the experience of Maristanis in the foreground
The newspaper La Nuova Sardegna gives us space: OffyourMap press tour, hosted by MEDSEA and coordinates by MedWet
University radio promotes our commitment to Coast Day
National Press Agency “Comunica” announces the 2019 Coast Day Program in San Vero Milis
The Ramsar house, the great achievement of MEDSEA in the framework of the Maristanis project, in the newspaper "L'Unione Sarda".
Interview by the President of MEDSEA Foundation, Alessio Satta, on Coast Day in Radiolina, the first Sardinian radio station
National agency press Ansa relaunches Coast Day Programme in San Vero Milis
Cagliari news site on our Coast Day