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On 3 March, six years ago, the UN Assembly signed the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) and established World Wildlife Day, the world day that celebrates the world's wild animals and plants

Marine biodiversity is decreasing. That’s a fact. The loss of this great value represent one of the greatest environmental problems of our day. Every year, processes such as loss of coastal habitats, pollution, over exploitation of natural resources and global warming, threaten marine biodiversity in an increasingly profound and irreparable way.

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The appointment is also renewed in Sardinia with the World Wetlands Day, scheduled, Saturday, February 2, 2019. At the center of the calendar of events, promoted by the MEDSEA Foundation with the collaboration of municipalities, organizations, associations, there is the territory of the Gulf of Oristano and the Sinis Peninsula, along the 200 km of coastline that extend from Capo Mannu to the lagoon area of Marceddì: 7,705 hectares of wetlands RAMSAR of international importance, representing 60% of the entire heritage of Sardinia.

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The Costa Smeralda Prize, now in its second edition, offers all the variations on the theme of the sea: an appointment that is renewed and proposes the collaboration between the Costa Smeralda Consortium - organiser of the event - and the MEDSEA Foundation, which coordinates the "Blue Innovation" section of the prize.