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It is said that the engineer Luigi Conti Vecchi asked if Sardinia was touched by the mistral. A curious doubt to be thought in front of the large square that leads to his salt pans, where the north-west wind upsets the tufts of palm trees, sending a rustling sound through the air, and from the bottom it smoothly snatch away scent of rosemary. Clouds broken into flocks run through the blue.

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“We opened in early April. The distribution was expected to last only for the lockdown period. Then May arrived, and now we are thinking about June. Then, who knows”, says Alessandro Cao, while the team of volunteers he coordinates runs along with the perfect mechanism of the food distribution center of the Cagliari fair, managed by Caritas and created to support all those who to escape the pandemic have sunk in poverty .

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In the Greek world, the epidemic is deeply linked to the idea of siege. The archetypal image is offered by the plague narrated by Thucydides (The Peloponnesian War II 49-57). In 430 BC the Spartans raged in the countryside of Attica and the citizens of Athens locked themselves up inside the city walls, while the fleet counterattacked by sea. The balance, a tragic sign of a conflict that will mark the beginning of the end of a civilization, seems to be able to resist.

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“We provide evidence that people living in an area with high levels of pollutant are more prone to develop chronic respiratory conditions and suitable to any infective agent. Moreover, a prolonged exposure to air pollution leads to a chronic inflammatory stimulus, even in young and healthy subjects. We conclude that the high level of pollution in Northern Italy should be considered an additional co-factor of the high level of lethality recorded in that area”.