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Let’s celebrate the Coast Day with the PechaKucha Night

This year the Maristanis project celebrates the Coast Day with an event dedicated to all the creatives who have ideas and projects on the enhancement of the coasts with special a attention on wetlands.

PechaKucha Night that returns in Sardinia for the sixth time with an edition entirely dedicated to the Coast Day: the event is organized within the project Maristanis, coordinated by MEDSEA / Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation, in collaboration with the MPA Sinis Peninsula - Mal di Ventre Island and Flag Pescando, co-funded by the MAVA Foundation.

PechaKucha Night #6 will take place in Arborea at the Ex-GIL on Saturday, September 29th at 7.30 pm.

What is Coast Day?

Coast Day is an international event born in 2008 in order to promote a sustainable development of coastal areas. This event also aims to attract interest among the population of Mediterranean countries about coasts strong importance, their conservation and protection for a sustainable development.

This year the Coast Day international host city will be Spalato.

In Sardinia it will take place in Arborea involving all the municipalities in the Oristano’ Golf and in the Sinis Peninsula that are partnering for the Maristanis project, focused on the development of coastal wetlands.

What is PechaKucha?

PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format to share ideas and projects, where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images. The format was devised in Tokio in 2003 by Klein Dytham Architecture.

Who can participate?

Designer, architect, sustainability expert and green economy enthusiasts, photographers, artists, handcrafters… anybody who want to share an idea or a creative project about coasts and wetlands.
If you want to spread your project you are welcome to the next edition of PechaKucha Night.

How to participate?

Participate is very easy! Just download the application form and the presentation PowerPoint layout and apply within Wednesday September 12th.

Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. withe following documents:

– application form completed with name, surname, telephone number, title and project textual description;

– 5 slides describing your project.Please, rimind that during the performance you cannot stop your presentation so we kindly suggest to make it suitable to this format. If you have any particular need concerning your presentation and the setup, please tell us in advance in the application form.

The PKN Staff will select the participants who will have the opportunity to perform during the event that will take place in Arborea at Ex-GIL on September 29th at 7.30 pm.

>>> download here your application form
>>> Link to the facebbok event

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