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A pioneering award for saving water resources in agriculture: the national Coldiretti Green Oscar has been won by Andrea Liverani, a young drone pilot and partner, together with Coldiretti Oristano, in the activities focused on agriculture that the MEDSEA foundation implements within the Maristanis project, born in 2017 for the conservation and sustainable development of the Gulf of Oristano wetlands.

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Giancarlo Gusmaroli, environmental engineer, expert in environmental governance and aquatic ecosystems will be once again "on mission" as MEDSEA Ambassador and for the whole month of August with his solo trip in Kayak to tell and share the voice of the Mediterranean Coast by circumnavigating the Island of Sicily. This year, on board with Giancarlo, there will also Svi.Med Onlus Adiad Marevivo Onlus,partners of the initiative, two ONGs strongly committed in the marine conservation.

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The MEDSEA Foundation supports Plastic Hunt 2021, the international summer Clean-Up initiative launched by our tireless ambassador Sofia Bonicalza! The Plastic Hunt initiative, now at its 2nd edition, was born in 2020 as an international social distancing beach clean-up, involving more than 183 teams from 65 Countries.