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The power of words: Sara Segantin toured Sardinia with MEDSEA

A passionate, cheerful tour dedicated to the new generations, that of Sara Segantin, MEDSEA ambassador and one of the founders of the Fridays for Future movement in Italy. In the second week of October, the young writer and activist crossed Sardinia from north to south, visiting schools and sporting events. The occasion has been the recent publication of his new work, "We are not heroes" (Rizzoli), a coming-of-age novel where travel, love and friendship alternate against the backdrop of the great and peaceful battle for the environment.

And the environment was at the center of his passionate dialogue with students and new readers, from Valledoria to Torregrande, to the high schools "Martini" and "Buccari-Marconi" in Cagliari and to Fico d'India, the kiosk on the Poetto seafront, where she was interviewed by the head of MEDSEA Communication, Giulia Eremita.

The pages of "We are not heroes" were on each stage the trigger for thoughts on the climate crisis, on the many forms of pollution, on the unsustainable slowness of decision-making processes. We need to change, and rebuild the harmony between human beings and nature. All those present, especially the younger ones, asked, stimulated new arguments, interacted with the author. As it happens in the novel, Segantin raised the urgency of the climate and environmental issue, brough new questions in the discourse, imagined solutions that can only start from collective action. Starting from the language, of course: “Words change the world” she repeated to many audiences about her trip in Sardinia.

Credits  © Entùla Festival | Stefano Mattana

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