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TransformAR stops off in Galicia, studying solutions for aquaculture to adapt to climate changes

TransformAr  recently stopped off in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain, for the 4th Meeting of the Consortium of the Horizon H2020 project which studies essential solutions and paths for climate and social resilience, starting right from activities at sea. The meeting, hosted by the partners FEUGA and CETMAR was an opportunity to evaluate the progress of the activities, foresee the next steps and forge new collaborations. 

Together with our international partners, we took stock of the project's activities, now in its second year, but we also discussed local shellfish production and political and regional climate adaptation strategies. TranformAR aims to develop solutions and models to achieve rapid, 'transformative' and far-reaching climate change adaptation across Europe. 

The Galician region, with a population of 2.7 million, has developed a Galician climate change strategy 2050 and an integrated regional plan for energy and climate for the period 2019-2023 which aims to guide the strategy implementation. The aquaculture sector directly employs nearly 4,000 people in the region, of which 90% are self-employed women. 

Guests of the AmarCarril - Turismo Marinero Inclusive association operating in Carril (Vilagarcía de Arousa) which deals with the cultivation and extraction of shellfish also through educational workshops for schools and workshops, we visited a local clam farm. In addition to learning about the different breeding techniques, we discussed the difficulties in the sector in relation to the effects of climate change. 


Three solutions are being tested: 


  1. Digital and technological solutions for intelligent management of mussel production is based on real-time monitoring of mussel rafts, by CETMAR. 


  1. A strategic tool, "the Resilience Index" which will identify the most relevant priorities to better adapt mussel farming to climate change, by the University of Vigo. 
  1. Among the solutions proposed for clam farming and artisanal shellfish fishing, the characterization and modelling of intertidal salt marshes (between high and low tide), and therefore provide the basis for adapting production, by of the University of Vigo 


During the Galician days we visited the TransformAr pilot site where sensors are being tested to measure the effects of climatic variations and adapt mussel farming to climate change. This will improve knowledge on the response of sandbanks under the influence of climate change and thus provide the basis for adapting production. 


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