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MEDSEA Achieves Accreditation at UNEP: A Gateway to Global Environmental Advocacy

MEDSEA has become one of the 11 Italian foundations to receive accreditation from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations program for the environment. 

Accreditation at UNEP is a prestigious recognition that opens doors to numerous opportunities for non-governmental organizations. As an accredited organization, MEDSEA will be able to actively participate in the discussion and dialogue on international environmental policies as an observer in the Assembly and its subsidiary bodies. We will contribute to the preparation of Regional Civil Society Statements that will influence the decisions made by UNEP and the Assembly. As observers in the plenary sessions of the Assembly's Committee of the Whole and the Ministerial Consultations, we will be able to exchange views and interact with participating governments, and make oral statements during the discussions of the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP. 

In this way, we can share knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on the conservation of the Mediterranean Sea, working closely with policymakers. 

"The accreditation to UNEP represents a significant milestone for MEDSEA and for Sardinia as a whole. Being the only accredited organization in Sardinia is an additional source of pride for the region, demonstrating the Foundation's commitment to preserving the natural wealth and biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea," stated Alessio Satta, President of MEDSEA. 


"The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most precious natural treasures on our planet, but it faces a series of environmental challenges that require concrete interventions. Accreditation at UNEP will allow MEDSEA to work even more closely with international organisations," Satta concluded.  



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