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Festambiente Award by Legambiente to the Mussel Shell Island at the Nieddittas Mussel Facility

This summer, the Biodiversity Award 2024 - Assunta Maria Brachetta Festambiente by Legambiente was awarded to Nieddittas for their project of creating an island from mussel shells, in collaboration with MEDSEA, off the coast of Corru Mannu in Sardinia, where the plant operates. 

The project is a virtuous example of a circular economy applied to the sea, transforming production waste into a valuable resource for protecting the biodiversity of wetland areas. The island not only provides a natural habitat that supports many protected bird species, but it has also become an attraction for visitors to the Sardinian company's mussel farming facility. 

Thanks to its structure, the island offers an ideal nesting habitat for protected species like gulls and terns, contributing to the conservation of local birdlife. The essence of the project is summarised in the statement by Caterina Murgia, CEO of Nieddittas: "We recover waste that becomes a resource, in line with a circular economy that protects biodiversity," highlighting an initiative that combines innovation, sustainability, and respect for the environment. 

According to MEDSEA: "Wetlands host 40 percent of all living animal and plant species on our planet; with this project, we aim to recover waste that becomes a resource in a 'blue' circular economy, protecting the biodiversity of a significant RAMSAR wetland area in Sardinia." 


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