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MEDSEA joined the Natural Heritage Interreg Euro-MED Mission in Rovinj for aligning in projects' Communication

MEDSEA stopped in Rovinj, Croatia, from June 26th to 27th, 2024, to participate in the Communication, Amplification and Policy activities of the Interreg Euro-MED Natural Heritage mission, which brings together the thematic projects of this triennium related to the restoration and enhancement of natural heritage. 

In particular, in the beautiful seaside town of Rovinj, the Communication Manager for ARTEMIS, Giulia Eremita, presented the ARTEMIS project, which focuses on the restoration of marine ecosystems, particularly Posidonia oceanica and other seagrasses, to highlight the value of ecosystem services to be integrated into public and private policies. Additionally, as the Communication Assistant for Wetland4Change, Eremita illustrated the Wetland4Change project, which focuses on wetlands as a natural solution to mitigate the effects of climate change, through the testing of two solutions in five pilot sites across Europe, including MEDSEA's site in Sardinia. 

MEDSEA participated alongside the lead partners, Stanimira Ivanova from the University of Forestry in Sofia for Wetland4Change, and Arnaud Terrisse for ARTEMIS, to present the communication, amplification, and policy objectives of the projects to the thematic project colleagues and the Interreg Euro-MED Natural Heritage mission. 

The activities also provided an opportunity to celebrate EMD, European Maritime Day, on the first day, June 26th, with a tour in a batana, the traditional boat of Rovinj's fishermen. 
The meeting was an opportunity to share the mission's objectives and understand where and how support can be provided, as well as to network with similar projects where numerous synergies can be achieved. 

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