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Fire Monitoring Test successfully conducted in Santu Lussurgiu thanks to IoT Technologies

At the end of April, a major breakthrough in fire prevention technology was achieved in the forests of San Leonardo. Thanks to pre-fire detection sensors, an IoT (Internet of Things) technology developed and donated by the Vodafone Business in collaboration with Extreme E, in a project coordinated by the MEDSEA Foundation, it is now possible to detect potential fires at their inception, allowing for timely and geolocated emergency responses. 

About twenty advanced sensors, developed by the German company Dryad, were strategically placed no more than 100 metres apart, covering several hectares of forest in Santu Lussurgiu, Sardinia - one of the most hit territory by the mega fire in July 2021. These devices are not mere smoke sensors; they are equipped with technology capable of detecting a wide range of environmental changes, from heat and humidity to gas and temperature as well as they are connected to a Tree Growth Monitor sensor developed by Vodafone Business and installed in the same zone increasing the precision of the data on the area. This sophisticated data collection system has been tested under real conditions to verify the readiness and effectiveness of the detection system. 

Over the past few months, these devices have collected and analysed essential daily data, which has enabled them to refine their ability to recognize the signs of an imminent fire. 

Yesterday's simulation was not just a technology test but also a moment of collaboration among various organisations. Present were MEDSEA representatives from the land reforestation projects, including Carlo Poddi, the specialised team from Vodafone Business unit Graham Arnott and Reuben Kingsland representatives from Dryad Georg Bassenge, the general directorate of Civil Protection of the Sardinia Region with Daniela Pani, the mayor of Santu Lussurgiu Diego Loi, and the deputy mayor Francesca Citroni, along with some volunteers from the forest and environmental surveillance corps and “the barracelli”. 

The test was successful: within a few minutes, after an exchange of information and confirmations among various sensors communicating to the collection gateway, the system sent out numerous alerts. 

The regional civil protection, which is also testing fire detection systems with drones, explored the opportunities for cross-detection between sensors and drones. The former detect the presence of a potential fire, while the latter can provide better information on the size and characteristics of the fire, even before human intervention. 

"Climate change scenarios put us in a state of permanent alert," explains Carlo Poddi, a forestry expert and head of MEDSEA's terrestrial reforestation activities, "making the increasingly extensive use of technology essential. These tools allow us to respond more effectively and adapt to the changing conditions that threaten our ecosystems." 


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