Sustainable Development Goals:
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TransformAr (Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe: demonstration of water-related innovation packages) aims to develop and demonstrate solutions and pathways to achieve rapid and far-reaching transformational adaptation across Europe. Cross-sectoral and multi-scale innovation packages will support European regions and communities in their societal transformation towards climate change resilience.
Region-specific portfolios including Nature-Based Solutions, innovative technologies, financing, insurance and governance models, awareness and behavioral change are co-developed and demonstrated. Adaptation will be triggered by a co-innovation process that will co-create adaptation pathways for six demonstrator regions and communities in Europe.
The pathway co-creation process is supported by user-friendly, accessible, and comprehensive multi-sector dynamics data services. The data services fit to the needs of public and private investors, including citizens. To accelerate investment in climate change adaptation, and to enable that plans are brought into practice, TransformAr also demonstrates the potential of business models and alternative finance mechanisms for adaptation.
A European Community of Practice will furthermore be organised and institutionalised to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and other resources that may help to overcome barriers, implement, and accelerate opportunities.
The 6 Demonstrators sites are:
MEDSEA actively works to implement TransformAr in the west coast of Sardinia, as a Demo site facilitator. In particular, MEDSEA coordinates the development of a Nature Base Solution in the wetlands of Marceddì and San Giovanni in the Gulf of Oristano, regarding the installation of a smart gate for emergency opening in case of extreme flood events, and an innovative water monitoring system based on tide gauge and multiparameters sensors, to improve environmental knowledge and plan appropriate mitigation actions.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°101036683.
22 Partners of the Consortium
Project Budget: 12,730,322.50 € (EU Grant amount: 11,872,256.88 €)
MEDSEA budget: 667,187.00 €
Programme: Horizon 2020
Duration: 1 Oct 2021 - 30 Sep 2025 (48 months)
Social media: Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube
Project coordinator: Alessio Satta
Team MEDSEA: Manuela Puddu, Francesca Etzi, Mattia Soi, Vania Statzu
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Photo @Federico Deidda