Piera Pala
Environmental lawyer | Coordinator

Sofia Bonicalza
Marine Biologist

Francesca Frau
Marine Biologist

Andrea Alvito
Project manager

Maria Pala
Expert in Environmental Sciences

Sustainable Development Goals:
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Let’s talk about plastic pollution
The Mediterranean Sea, with its coastline of only 2.6 million sq km which hosts about 7% of the world population and attracts numerous tourists during the summer season, is also the crossroads of 30% of global maritime traffic (UNEP / MAP, 2011; Eurostat, 2017).
And every day a lot of waste such as plastic, glass, wood, rubber, end on the beaches and the seabed of the Mediterranean sea.
In the face of this environmental emergency and inspired by Parley for the Oceans, the MEDSEA Foundation has activated the #PlasticFreeMed campaign, which includes a series of initiatives to clean the seabed and beaches from anthropogenic waste, as well as to raise awareness of the population on this environmental problem. in various locations in the Mediterranean. By participating in Parley's AIR Strategy to End Marine Plastic Pollution, MEDSEA wants to raise awareness of the growing plastic pollution crisis and show how we can all contribute to reducing society's plastic footprint.
Reducing the use of disposable plastic items such as plastic cutlery, coffee cups and plastic water bottles is just a first step, there are so many other things that we could do together to share the Palstic Free Med values!!
The #PlasticFreeMed Campaign includes two of MEDSEA's main initiatives
PuliamolaSella is the great collective Clean up event organized by MEDSEA starting from 2018, to clean up the beaches and the sea around La Sella del Diavolo, the promontory symbol of the city of Cagliari and a place of the heart of Cagliari. The event involves an average of 3-400 volunteers including divers, freedivers, canoe and SUP sportsmen as well as children and teenagers of all ages.
Plastic Hunt is a planetary challenge launched by Sofia Bonicalza in 2020. Plastic Hunt is a real hunt for plastic, a challenge to those who collect the most waste abandoned on the beaches.
To remove an average of 10.000kg of marine plastics per year
Support our Campaigns
Our actions are supported by organizations that want to make a difference to protect the marine and coastal ecosystem to avoid particularly negative impacts, also by strengthening their resilience, and to act for their restoration in order to obtain healthy and productive oceans
Together with some of them we have carried out concrete projects for the protection of our sea and for the creation of new posidonia forests.
The actions that we will continue to carry out together in the next decade to protect our ocean will affect the future of our planet for centuries to come: we have a huge responsibility towards the planet, towards ourselves and future generations.
It is time for action and together we can still make a difference.
Our Partners
Parley for the Oceans, HALEVAI
Our team dedicated to fight plastic pollution
Piera Pala
Environmental lawyer | Coordinator
Sofia Bonicalza
Marine Biologist
Francesca Frau
Marine Biologist
Andrea Alvito
Project manager
Maria Pala
Expert in Environmental Sciences
Giorgia Loi
Project Manager