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Wetlands are increasingly important aquatic ecosystems, knowing them better is the first step to protect them, but that's not all. "We need a management tool" to prevent them from being lost or compromised by carelessness, fragmented and discontinuous management, clumsy interventions, as has happened globally in the last 100 years "with over 64% of these basins having been lost". 

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#SwimmingForFuture is the new MEDSEA column dedicated to the sea and the environment, every week on the foundation's social channels (instagram and facebook). Who better than Corrado Sorrentino, former swimming champion and MEDSEA ambassador to explain the challenging present we are living in

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CES 2023 is only a few days away in Las Vegas and this year will host some Sardinian tech startups, among them Smart Geo Survey, the Sardinian based company, born within the Maristanis project. The most important trade fair in the world dedicated to consumer electronics will be held in Las Vegas from 5 to 8 January: this year a dozen start-ups, selected by Sardegna Ricerche, will exhibit and present themselves.